A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


Effervescent Saga: The Rise of the Machine, ch 05

Two chapters at once. I'm deciding to use The Rise of The Machine for the sub title since this is what it's about.
Please enjoy the 'first' chapter of the main plot.

Effervescent Saga: ch 04

Forgot to post the next chapters.. Sorry about that..^^a
there's not much in chapter 4, but it's still necessary. it's the final chapter of the 'opening' and the preparation for the next chapter, which will enter the main story.
I hope you can enjoy it..


Effervescent Saga: ch 03

I did a little change to the old ch 3. so I have to repost this chapter. actually it's only adding what I originally want to use as the prologue of ch 4 to the end of ch 3.


Friends for Life:

Answers your phone at one in the morning and doesn’t grumble and turn the phone off when you say you have a lot on your mind that you need to discuss.

Scolds you when you’ve been whining about the same thing for the past few months and demands you to do something about it.

Knows your parents’ phone number and is not afraid to contact them if needed

Helps prepare your parties and stays late to clean up with you

Lets you borrow his/her shoulder for you to cry on

Knows how to use your boyfriend to blackmail you.

Helps him/herself to your refrigerator whenever they stay over.

Offers you a hug when you need it the most.

Tells you no lies, but if they do, you know it’s for your own good.

Asks you why you did not call them last night.

Life is so much better with them at your side because they bring out the best from within.


"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival."
- C. S. Lewis

Last Days
© Laarnie Simbulan

Moving on and meeting new people
Seems like the most interesting thing
New buddies, new galpals
A whole new world to explore

At first, tears never came and overflowed
All there was was excitement
Laughter, amazement and gladness
For the final year in high school's about to be uncovered

But during the last days, things changed.
Memories and good times of the past shone,
Clouded our minds as we thought of leaving
While all the emotions altogether brewed.

All of a sudden, tear-floods overflowed, unmanageable.
Rivers of crystalline tears mixed with sobs,
Reminiscing the past seemed to be hard.
To grasp the thought was unbearable.

"Why do I cry?", I asked.
I always wanted to leave, didn't I?
"Can't wait to get out of here" were my initial words
But why and why now are my questions.

Sadness creeps in and heart full of sorrow
As I sat with clouded eyes, still crying.
Nothing will be lost, I thought.
All's well. I'll look forward to tomorrow.

All of these are foolish things to say.
Foolish...fooling myself is what I'm doing.
All the friends and teachers that I've known
Cannot be replaced in any way.

Sure, new experiences will come.
But will these outshine the old ones?
Love and understanding have grown for five years.
Hard to comprehend why it's all ending.

Life goes on, they say.
But now all I want is life to be as it is.
Joy fills my heart in this place.
Nothing more to ask for, I prayed.

Goodbye...goodbye...final goodbye
In these last few days of woe and sorrow.
Tears mixed with laughter echoes in the halls
As the cover closes in the final days of this chapter.



Anger is a killing thing ,
it kills the man who angers,
 for each rage leaves him less than he had been before –
 it takes something from him.
-Louis L’Amour

Hatred…is a funny thing.

It starts out slow, beginning with the smallest hints of dislike. It slides forward then, crawling, slithering circles around your heart, fickle in the form of anger yet enduring as it becomes a grudge.

It can take on many shapes as it seeps into your soul: the smile on your face as you speak –spiteful even when the words you utter are kind –, your delighted laughter as bad things happen to those around you, the venomous expressions that leak out of your mouth when referring to other people, the way you take pleasure in watching others squirm. Hate has taught you how to mask your weaknesses. It has molded you, shaped the way you are until it is what defines you.

And one day, when you want to take it all back, when you want to revert to the person you used to be –the one with the genuine smiles and sincere words –, you find that you have nothing left to go back to.

Because you’ve forgotten who it was that you were in the first place.


Hatred…is fucking hilarious.


Moments in Life

 Author: Lenneth
Story Type: One-shot
So, I did this fic really late into the night after beta-ing two of alceus' chapters of Effervescent Saga. Sorry if it's a bit blur. I got no excuse for that. I'm still a newbie in using POV change. 

Effervescent Saga: Ch02

Alright. 3 chapter in a day. I can't really sleep and I ended up writing these ch0 to ch 2 in a night. but since Lenneth, who proofreading this fanfic didn't say anything bad about the quality (at least not in the story, although she said my grammar sucks T_T), so I only did some minor change to these 'instant' chapters.

Anywah, please read the next chapter. Also please leave a comment that will help me improve my skills of course. No spam, no flame. After all, I'm still a newbie in this fanfic world.

Effervescent Saga: Ch01

The first chapter is here!

I'm using Suikoden 3 format for this fanfic, where the story is seen by different point of views for each chapter. while the main character for the story is Alceus, but the 'real' main characters is the Effervescent itself (for those who don't know, it's a name of a ring/guild in Indo ECO), just like Suikoden's 108 Stars of Destiny. And the main character in this chapter is not my character, it's my friend's instead.

Hopefully you'll enjoy this chapter too..^^

Effervescent Saga: Ch00

Author: Alceus
Co-author: Lenneth
Story Type: On-going

Okay, Here I am, trying to make a fanfic based on an MMORPG called Emil Chronicle Online.
These characters are 'real' and can be found in Sakura Server of Indonesian ECO.
Disclaimer: The copyright holder for each character here is their own player, and the NPCs, of course belong the creator of ECO, Gung Ho

You can say this is my first time creating something like this, but I hope you can enjoy it. ^^
ps: I don't know what to use for the title, so I may change this after I find a more suitable one.


Shining Days Logo

Well, so this is the logo that Yuri made. I think it's quite catchy :D

Shining Days Logo



Got this idea to start the fic from my friend, Yuri. This story is based loosely (real loose) on the game ECO. I took some of my friends' characters and "anime-fied" them so that the could fit. As for the ideas, I got some from ff. net.
Reviews and critics are always welcomed. Flames will be used to burn cyber marshmallows.
Happy Reading!