A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


Expedition Chp 1

A continuation of the prologue.
Schein finally meets the people his going with....and he doesn't like what he sees.


A Ricey Business

Photos taken for Photography class with Mr. Goenadi at Pasar Induk Beras Cipinang. A time well spent if I do say so myself.


Another spur of the moment things.
....And I really need to find better titles

Friend fiction

Effervescent ~ A Tribute~

Chapter 1: Setting off!

Inside the shining wind
The wings of a dream descend
Have courage and fly to the future,
So beautiful


Effervescent Saga: The Rise of the Machine, ch 06

The trio is separated again. Kai to the west, Yust to the north, and Al to somewhere else.
Will they able to accomplish their own mission? Please enjoy the sixth chapter. Kai's story, and so the war begins >:D


Effervescent Saga: The Rise of the Machine, ch 05

Two chapters at once. I'm deciding to use The Rise of The Machine for the sub title since this is what it's about.
Please enjoy the 'first' chapter of the main plot.

Effervescent Saga: ch 04

Forgot to post the next chapters.. Sorry about that..^^a
there's not much in chapter 4, but it's still necessary. it's the final chapter of the 'opening' and the preparation for the next chapter, which will enter the main story.
I hope you can enjoy it..